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Age: 124
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Earth, United Kingdom
Topic on Nov 12, 2012 12:40 AM
I have too many fonts!!

I always thought you could never have too many,
but I have so many that they're out of control.
Too many to sort through and too many to upload.
My MAC Font Book app is FULL, and it's slowing down all the software.

..... then again, there are worse things to worry about.

mv118 says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 12:48 AM
LOL Mine ARE a mess TOO, I have a folder named 'Fonts to Review" with so many folders inside with that I need to review to then upload, and NO TIME to review it.... I have a folder named 'Downloads' where I throw all my new downloads, and then I have my Windows Font Files which takes forever to open when I need to go in to look for a font... and I have a wishlist that I'd like to get to but I can't even get what I have organized to begin with!

audiopimp says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 12:58 AM
I'm glad I'm not alone.
I have a similar file called "Fonts To Sort" in my download folder,
In the folder I have several categories.
* BAD <--- these usually get TRASHED
* OK <--- I keep but these remain unsorted

The asterisk lifts all files to the top, so it makes it easier to sort all the fonts below.

mv118 says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 01:05 AM
Ahh Thx for the breakdown... it gave me sorting idea...

Reply on Nov 12, 2012 01:42 AM
Me Too!! Ugh thinking of going through mine and getting rid of ones i dont use, so hard tho

scinizm says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 02:25 AM
I have a big folder sorted by font labs, my selection folder (sorted by style) and little work folder (common used fonts),
but I have spent years to sort all that! :)

Reply on Nov 12, 2012 03:04 AM
This is the very reason I joined this forum..... it's like-minded font addicts like you guys that make me feel like I'm not the only one!

I try religiously to keep my fonts organised, but it doesn't take long for them to get outta control.

@AudioPimp: You can NEVER have too many fonts!! But like you said, there are worse things to worry about!!!

Pixiel says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 03:09 AM
It's official, you are not alone, this week I've been organizing my fonts and I'm a little frustrated, it seems it didn't advance ... yesterday was looking for the font of the sign by which questioned recently, I'm pretty sure I have seen the swashes of g's and y's as a very common font and quite old, I started looking in my general stock font by font in alphabetical order, but no look further than the D, that happens to me very often...I Just look into my favorites families (designers) or choose within the first in the general stock is a displays fonts monster out of control.
And yes, sometimes I hate the problems with Photoshop when I installed a temporarily font or at the much memory.
I don't know if I have a problem of accumulation, but never had such beautiful fonts, I couldn't think spending $30 bucks on a font or least an average of 100 or 300 dollars per family now I'm going crazy .... I want all them ... and of course, there are fonts that I'll never going to use ... but I can enjoy them just looking and searching for a new project :D

Ocean says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 03:12 AM
Booze, Sex and Fonts ...

mv118 says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 03:13 AM

more like,

Shopping, Manicures, and Fonts

scinizm says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 03:18 AM
No... Sex, Drugs and just Helvetica-Bold :)

Reply on Nov 12, 2012 03:34 AM
I nominate the font explorer MANAGEMENT FOR FONTS you can import everything in and turn on and off their phones making them preview, selecting content and naming folders and sorting by styles'' excellent, but I must admit I also have my depasta mess, just try sort by name the package so I can more or less find me =)

audiopimp says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 04:10 AM
The MAC Font Book does exactly the same. My MAC Font Book is very well organised.
It is the other 30,000+ fonts that need sorting. :)

Marilisa says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 04:27 AM
After a certain age I became more and more fascinated by fonts! :)

When I was very young I wanted a typewriter that had other fonts, was crazy about her!

After my first computer I've been collecting, sharing, reslicing, naming the folders, not even sure how many and which I have.

My favorite fonts folder has many not be able to use this life only.

I do not work with sources.

I make some cards, and that's all.

I love it!

Marilisa says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 04:31 AM
People .... is it a disease?

We will be exposed to the program "Compulsive Accumulators"?

Laughing so here!

:D :D :D

Reply on Nov 12, 2012 05:27 AM
hehehhehe uhmmm passion for fonts only this!

audiopimp says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 06:01 AM
Compulsive accumulator is spot on. I also say "Collector", which doesn't sound too bad, but I guess I'm just an Obsessive Hoarder ! Ha ha.

mv118 says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 06:05 AM
Yea.... an Obsessive Digital Hoarder, let's just hope our homes don't like our pc's memory. We're the new generation of hoarders.. speaking of which... I just thought about getting an external hard drive just for saving my fonts! this way it's not taking up space in my laptop ;)

Reply on Nov 12, 2012 06:11 AM
Im addicted to....fonts.....Photoshop Cs4......Taking Pics....Digital Scrap kits....sewing....and making bows!! I'm on my 2nd external drive...

audiopimp says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 06:28 AM
I'm also in the music industry so I have a 4TB for my music and a 2TB for design/fashion work.
Both are starting to grind with the load.
Don't get me started on music, that's another obsession that luckily turned into an amazing globe trotting crowd pleasing job.
So if you can turn your obsession/ hobby into a paid job, then it's happy days. :)

Reply on Nov 12, 2012 06:59 AM
In Brazil unfortunately the profession of graphic designer is not as valued, but has a lot of talented people, but is usually a profession tears of hard work and little recognition, work hard here many times from one day to another dawn while we should be resting ee still, does not get the recognition or the client already own bosses often thought about quitting, and unfortunately I return often to wonder if it is worth continuing doing this, but there is an undeniable desire to do something good and help people not just as something to be consumed or collected but that has a beneficial function for those going against our work. Fonts are a passion since a very early age, I was always facinado by the beauty of the written word, I'm happy to have friends who share this beauty =)

stoiko says
Reply on Nov 12, 2012 09:39 PM
I like all of you ... but I if I find the time to sort them.
As for the graphic design here in Mexico is not very different than in Brazil or Argentina, but I like in my work too ...

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