I always thought you could never have too many,
but I have so many that they're out of control.
Too many to sort through and too many to upload.
My MAC Font Book app is FULL, and it's slowing down all the software.
..... then again, there are worse things to worry about.
The asterisk lifts all files to the top, so it makes it easier to sort all the fonts below.
I try religiously to keep my fonts organised, but it doesn't take long for them to get outta control.
@AudioPimp: You can NEVER have too many fonts!! But like you said, there are worse things to worry about!!!
When I was very young I wanted a typewriter that had other fonts, was crazy about her!
After my first computer I've been collecting, sharing, reslicing, naming the folders, not even sure how many and which I have.
My favorite fonts folder has many not be able to use this life only.
I do not work with sources.
I make some cards, and that's all.
I love it!
We will be exposed to the program "Compulsive Accumulators"?
Laughing so here!
:D :D :D