B@RMBR@CK alternatives (closed)

6557 views 21 replies
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Age: 31
Total Posts: 25
Points: 10

San Jose, Ca, United States

Pixiel says
Reply on Feb 03, 2013 02:18 PM
Wow!...I don't have any suggestions...lovely, lovely!

Reply on Feb 03, 2013 02:23 PM
ooohkkk thx :)

mv118 says
Reply on Feb 03, 2013 03:36 PM
These Are BEAUTIFUL! You have great taste... Love the Caps :D

Reply on Feb 03, 2013 04:07 PM
I LOVE this font!

Cooknks says
Reply on Feb 03, 2013 04:14 PM
I was thinking about getting this one, but by the time I made up my mind it was no longer on sale. :(

fontferns says
Reply on Feb 03, 2013 06:11 PM
Really beautiful font. Kudos to the designers

ethel says
Reply on Feb 03, 2013 06:26 PM
pretty, pretty, WOW!

Reply on Feb 03, 2013 06:45 PM
Very nice font i like this =D

mv118 says
Reply on Feb 03, 2013 10:02 PM
@Cook... You mean it was on Sale!?!!! Ohh I had never seen this BEFORE, I missed it :(

FS101 says
Reply on Feb 04, 2013 03:01 AM

Cooknks says
Reply on Feb 04, 2013 05:05 AM
It was like a 3 day flash sale and those don't show up easily.

They have some that are only 1 day sales and the easiest way to find them is to
select the special promotions drop down tab, then sort by Newest Promotions.

There is a glitch in their sort function though, if you click on a font to take a look,
the sort will revert back to ending soonest, even though it may still say newest
promotions, so you have to refresh, then select newest promotions, but I found
the easiest for me is when I want to go in to look at a font, I always right-click and
open in a new tab.

I check almost everyday, but at least every 2 or 3 days and build a cart so I can also
collect on the volume discount and checkout a couple times a month, the cart is also
where you can see how long the font is on sale til

Sorry for rambling, but I am a Fontaholic ;)

On another note, I just won a free Papa Johns Pizza.


mv118 says
Reply on Feb 04, 2013 05:11 AM
Ohh Papa John's Pizza perfect for Super Bowl Sunday ;)

Thanks for the tips! I will click around some more...

But if you throw them in your cart and only make your purchases twice a month...don't you end up missing on those 1 or 3 day flash sales??

Cooknks says
Reply on Feb 04, 2013 05:30 AM
Lol, that is how I messed up on this one, what I normally do is have an sales album
created and add any font I put in my cart in that album as well, and if I see some
quick sale, I empty the cart (if I am not ready to buy em all) and then buy the short
termed one, then add the items in the sales album back to my cart. After I buy my cart I clear out the sales album.

But it was a 3 day sale and I didn't catch it soon enough.

It seems like a lot of work, but it really isn't once you have it set up it isn't bad,
plus I have waaay toooo much time on my hands.


mv118 says
Reply on Feb 04, 2013 05:42 AM
Yea! I know what you mean about having to emptying out the cart just to purchase one... It's annoying!

Question, what is the amount you need to purchase to get the batch discount?

Cooknks says
Reply on Feb 04, 2013 06:33 AM
The volume discount is by foundry only, so if you have 2 intellecta fonts, it starts
with a 5% discount for those 2 fonts. 4 = 10% 7 = 15%. then bumps up 5% more
for every 5 added after that.

That is why many times (especially with intellecta) I don't actually buy a whole family
and may pick out a couple if I don't think I will use the whole family, as when you
buy a family it still only counts as 1 towards the volume discount.

Did I say I have too much time on my hands? lol

mv118 says
Reply on Feb 04, 2013 07:28 AM
Oh I see now... I always wondered

Thanks for the break down :)

Hey fonts is a nice way to kill too much time in your hands LOL

So Mark, do you get that discount on top assuming a font in your cart is on sale? So in other words, you'd be getting two discounts...?

Cooknks says
Reply on Feb 04, 2013 09:06 AM
Yep, you get the sale price then the volume pricing kicks in after that.

Fonts and music do help kill too much time, while building a nice collection.

mv118 says
Reply on Feb 05, 2013 03:00 AM
I wish it goes on SALE :( AGAIN soon... or look for a free similar version

mx24 says
Reply on Feb 06, 2013 12:29 AM
This font is good!!!

Pixiel says
Reply on Feb 09, 2013 11:59 PM
Bumpiti, bumpiti, bump.

mv118 says
Reply on Feb 10, 2013 12:38 AM

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