AM I doin' something wrong? (closed)

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Age: 51
Total Posts: 3
Points: 10

Centurion, South Africa
Topic on Feb 11, 2013 10:08 AM
Dude, so every now and again when downloading your font of the day ... there is some weird application I need to download like FVD etc ...

I really like today's font Ostgotisch, but it seems impossible to download as I only get to download FVD or something.

Please assist.


mv118 says
Reply on Feb 11, 2013 12:06 PM

See here

Supazee says
Reply on Feb 12, 2013 11:23 AM
Hi mv118,
thanks for the prompt response.
I managed to get the font thanks to you. You really were an awesome help! ;-)
My challenge still remains that at least one or two of the fonts received per week wants me to download all kinds of weird and often non-related software.
Is there any way of skipoping past this or is it a martketing tool for software companies.
I'm an instructional designer and love the fresh feed of font which I use to keep to update my font-stash.

mv118 says
Reply on Feb 12, 2013 01:27 PM
Best thing to do, is if you like a font you received via 'font of the day' fonts101 email subscription, or any random font from this site is to get the name and google it to download it...

I am able to get around it by removing all the check marks from the exe forms that pop up and click 'next' till you're able to get to the DL popup box. But others have commented that they don't get the check mark boxes (?) So in conclusion we have figured it depends on what system you're on.

Supazee says
Reply on Feb 12, 2013 05:02 PM
Fanx man ... you're a Star!
I dont see the tick boxes either ... but hey, nothing stops me from venturing into the fonts-unkown region, right?
Thanks for all your assistance ... much appreciated!

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