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Age: 66
Total Posts: 19
Points: 10

Somewhere, Belgium
Topic on Oct 09, 2012 03:27 PM
Here, in the land of FONT REQUESTS, a rational request might be: how is the weather in your neck of the woods?

... wait...

okay, this:

I'm searching for an alternative to Hoefler's Champion Gothic which accomplishes the following objectives:
1. Various series, meaning compressed, normal, and expanded to be used in headlines and subheads...
2. Has expanded character set for various languages...

Any help would be appreciated... thanks... (and remember to vote) !


scinizm says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 02:57 AM
@GetRichOrDie and his companion service googleDMCA

You really don't care about your time! :/

googleDMCA says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 03:01 AM
I do actually.

scinizm says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 03:13 AM
@Misfortune companion

It's not me who came in a forum that don't match for me... So I ask! You don't have other stuff to do?

mv118 says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 04:39 AM
@ googleDMCA STOP GETTING UR F***n Gross nose in my posts!

you are a nobody here, and nobody cares who the hell you are! nor what you say!


>>>> BFODT & googleDMCA <<<<<

Cooknks says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 05:14 AM
At this point I think it is better to ignore the couple of children who keep preaching without all the facts to back up their point.

They build their portfolios off of someone elses work by modifying someone elses typeface but can't understand in this digital world they can never stop people sharing and need to recognize that fact and need to modify their own marketing and business practices to grow their own business.

I have been here only a few months and no designer has lost money on anything I may have downloaded, BUT they did make quite a few sells after I saw something I liked here and when priced feasibly I bought a font that I never would have.

I love fonts and collecting them, but I keep my personal collection separate from the fonts I've bought so I will always use the appropriate lincesed type, and this is regardless of the fact that I run and work with non-profits organizations only and receive no income from any thing I've designed.

You have made some valid points in the last few days but there are many points that you are missing and I can guarantee you are going to end up a lot more frustrated than anyone on this site.

mv118 says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 05:20 AM
@ Cooknks


googleDMCA says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 05:38 AM
Bully me all you want. This is part of my job so I'll troll this site as long as you guys post links to my fonts (this doesn't apply to everyone so thank you to those of you who are respectful)

scinizm says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 05:52 AM
If someone comes to defend his work, I can understand! But can you name your fonts, like that people don't commit blunders and respect your work!

mv118 says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 06:22 AM
googleDMCA said:


Ouch, a little disrespectful don't you think.

No worries though, bully me all you want. Trolling this site is part of my job. I'll be here as long as you guys post links to my fonts. (which obviously does not apply to everyone and thank you to those of you who are respectful)


googleDMCA says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 07:07 AM

googleDMCA says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 07:51 AM

This is a tough crowd.

Reply on Oct 10, 2012 08:14 AM
Hey guys…

When you go to the supermarket, do you take 10 liters of milk, go to the cashier, and tell him you are not going to pay for the milk because they are making a lot of money with their shop, and the farmer is just an asshole exploiting his poor cows? Do you tell him that you actually don't like the taste of the milk they are selling, that it is not different enough from other shops, but you still want to drink it, and eventually if you feel like it, from time to time you will pay for it, when you are making a special cake or something?
I suspect you just put the milk on the register, get your money out to pay, and then you politely say thank you and have a nice day.

But apparently once you are back home on the internet, and nobody knows your name, other standards apply. Suddenly it is normal to be very unpolite and to disregard the law and the work of people like you. Not only that, but when somebody points out that maybe you are doing something wrong, you think you can talk down to him instead of staying humble and keeping a low profile when you are actually the one who uses somebody else's work without their permission.

googleDMCA says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 08:18 AM
Oh lordy...

audiopimp says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 08:40 AM
Piss off with your analogy bollocks of the same old shite, you boring idiot.
You've turned into a proper douche.
Nobody wants to hear your waffle any more.
S O - F U C K - R I G H T - O F F.

mv118 says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 08:49 AM

LOL U so wish! I don't even hv that... Good try though

pablo says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 08:54 AM
I don't know what these trolls are on about,foundries have been stealing each others fonts and re naming them for years,and here is an example.
Here is a scan of the original version of Hipster script by Rand Holub,that ale pot robbed,
How much money did he make from this robbery.?

Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:21 AM
audiopimp> hey, happy you liked my story ;)
You seem a bit agitated, hope you are well.
Don't get angry, it is bad for health.
And you know, you don't own this place. Welcome on the internet, where idiot trolls like me have the possibility to express their opinions to intelligent, respectful and educated people like you.

pablo> Yes many type designers do bad work. Some copy fonts or just make modifications of other fonts. Bad people exist in every field.

Some designers also decide to make a revival of a typeface that existed but is not available in digital or that they consider deserves a better version. If they have done the work and respected the copyrights, you have no right to claim that the font was stolen.

Anyway, I have seen many fonts being shared on this forum.
Most were original designs.
Most were from some small – not rich – designers.
So you are just taking bad examples to try to defend your views.
What about taking a good example. Explain why it is normal to take a typeface that took 2 years for somebody to design, and give it away for free?

Obviously, if a design is just a copy or a bad font, you will not want it, and not share it here.

But continue looking for excuses, maybe tomorrow I can ready a few better ones.

Today they were better ones at least, like the fact that a designer needs to try fonts before he can finalise a design. This was at least a reasonable point.

mv118 says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:21 AM
@ Pablo U so nailed it with that PERFECT EXAMPLE

They simply give a font a NEW name, and it automatically becomes "their work"

These trolls are boring me

googleDMCA says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:23 AM


Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:23 AM

googleDMCA says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:28 AM
I think there's some Heavy sarcasm going on in this thread. It doesn't even make sense anymore. Comical!

pablo says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:40 AM
googleDMCA are you from the same place as Mr sudtipos.

googleDMCA says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:42 AM
He's from Argentina.

pablo says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:45 AM
How would you know that,are you a friend of his.?

mv118 says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:46 AM

Can't keep up and blame it on the thread LOL :roll:

audiopimp says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:47 AM
You self righteous prick.
Seriously. Go the fuck away.
You're like a mosquito buzzing in everyone's ear.
You are the most irritating sound in the world.

You've said your bit, you've proved your point, you've achieved what you set out to do.
Now please log the fuck out, and go and spread your miserable monotonous negativity else where.

pablo says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:52 AM
Laura Worthington tried this trick a few years ago on this forum,talk about
bad publicity,her name is a joke now,the same goes for chucky from Letterheads,

googleDMCA says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:57 AM

No, I don't know him personally but I know people who do.

googleDMCA says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:58 AM

OK THAT JUST SCARED THE S#%^ out of me. And what did Laura Worthington do? Post a picture of chuck???

jag says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 09:59 AM
this is going out of hands. tuck! closing topic.

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