Nice free fonts or not? (closed)

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Age: 55
Total Posts: 325
Points: 10

Mexico, Mexico
Topic on Oct 10, 2012 02:48 AM

audiopimp says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 04:11 AM
I think what ridofontz is doing is extremely bad.
I can't see that site lasting more than a month.
He used to come to this site (probably still does),
to get good fonts, then he'd upload them to his site, and ask for donations.

He's taking copyright infringement to a whole new low.

Pixiel says
Reply on Oct 10, 2012 06:16 AM
Nice points, but i have others
1. its outside this forum
2. believe, nobody cares the donate button, once I had one with my work...with 700-800 downloads per week, in 6 monts I just have 1 dollar donation and was from a friend...actually .60c for me and .40 paypal.
3. We are respecting the "rules" and keeping the forum free of commercial fonts.
4. We help our friends (trollers) that entertained elsewhere
5. He is who accept the terms and conditions for copyrights infrigements.

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