Reply on Feb 18, 2016 04:02 AM
I don't know if you've already perused all the Google font options, but running through my copy, I found:
- Chewy (very similar);
[/*]- Averia Sans Libre and
[/*]- Averia Libre;
[/*]- McLaren (almost identical, really), and,
[/*]- Nova Slim
I like the McLaren and the Chewy the best, for conveying the same appearance, generally, and the same FEEL. The Chewy is a little "fatter" in the stroke. The GeauxSmile 400 is lightish, but the Bold700 is quite close.
Do you require the EXACT font? Let me know if this helps. Those are all at GoogleFonts. I didn't do DaFont, because most folks check there first. ;-) If you didn't, let me know and I'll try to do a fast-and-dirty scan later today.